Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Something for my mommy

My mommy and her family always gross out when I am having a gassy day. What can I say? I can't help it! Maybe mommy shouldn't give me so many treats sometimes. That would cut down the smell a lot!

So, I have decided to get this magnet for Mommy to put on the refrigerator. I am so tired of getting blamed for farts I didn't do!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cute Salt & Pepper Shakers

These are so adorable. They are Kissing Boston Terrier Salt & Pepper shakers. I think Mommy is going to buy them because she loves anything Boston Terrier! She's a little crazy about the breed.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rebecca Bonbon

Okay, so technically Rebecca Bonbon is a French Bulldog, but she looks so much like a Boston Terrier. I love her so much and she is super cute. She was created by the same person who created Hello Kitty. She reminds me so much of myself (I know she's not real), classy, fashion trendy, and full of spunk.

There are so many products with her, but I will get to those another time. For now I will share pictures of Rebecca Bonbon! What do you think? Does she look more like a Boston Terrier than a Frenchie?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Jumbone Free Home

My home is Jumbone free. Mommy won't buy them and hasn't let one in the house in at least 3 years. You may be asking WHY? The reason is because they make me sick. They taste great and keep me out of trouble for hours, but I would throw them up a day and a half later. The chunks that were thrown up were not even digested! After almost 2 days!

The first time it happened, Mommy thought I just bit off too big of chunks. She watched me the second time to make sure I wasn't biting off more than I could chew and the same thing happened. It happened a third time too. After throwing up for the 3rd time, Mommy said she would never let me have one again and would never buy them. I can't say I blame her. I don't like getting sick either.

So, sadly, I have to give Pedigree Jumbones NO PAWS UP. They are just not worth me getting sick everytime. I'm not saying they are bad for all dogs, but they really didn't agree with me.

Friday, February 17, 2012

My Pets

Mommy may have bought the guinea pigs, but they have become my pets. I love to hang out with them. They are just small, furry dogs anyway! Right?

About 3 times a week, the guinea pigs get floor play time. When I see Mommy get the pen out, I get all excited. I jump in the piggie playpen and wait for Mommy to put my buddies in it.

Sadie and I love playing with them. I am so glad the piggies like us. I would be so sad if they didn't.

They are very interesting to watch. When I touch them with my cold nose, they run really fast. Most of the time I just like to watch them.

I always wait until they eat all the Cheerios they want before I pick up the leftovers.

I love being a brother!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Buster Cube

This cube is AWESOME and so much fun too! If your dog gets bored with their food or likes to work for their food, this is a great toy/food dispenser/boredom buster.

This is the description on Smarter Toys make their dogs work for their food which provides healthy mental and physical stimulation. The Buster Food Cube is the most difficult treat dispenser and features an adjustable hole to control difficulty level. 5" size

I wasn't too sure how I was supposed to use it at first. Mommy had to show me how to push the cube with my nose in order to get the food out. Once I figured it out, it became one of my favorite toys. Now, I get so excited when Mommy brings it out. I even howl for it sometimes!

I give the Buster Cube 4 PAWS UP because I have lots of fun, it wears me out, and feeds me yummy food and treats at the same time.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine Photoshoot

I love that Mommy is a photographer because she gets lots of photos of me! She always does a photoshoot for the holidays thoughout the year and this was the first of many for 2012. It is Valentine's Day so Mommy got photos of me in pink and red.

I hope you all like them!

Mommy got me a new Kangaroo Pillow Pet for Valentine's Day. She loves me so much!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Caught Browsing the Bookstore

I love it when Mommy takes me to the local Barnes & Noble. Many of the people who work there know me very well. Most of the time, I just lay on the floor while Mommy looks at books. This time I wanted to see the books for myself, so I decided to browse the selection while Mommy was still looking. Luckily it was in the pets section! Mommy looked down and caught me in the act.

* By the way, my favorite books are Chicken Soup For the Dog Lover's soul and Marley and Me*

I give Barnes & Noble 3 PAWS UP. They would get four, but they don't have any doggie treats there. I beg at the counter every week and it's always the same thing. No treats!?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

World Spay Day 2012 Online Pet Photo Contest

World Spay Day 2012 Online Pet Photo Contest

Please, please help me win! I am such an awesome dog and I want to share it.

The best part is: All the money that gets donated goes to the charity of my choice. That's because I love and care about all animals!

You don't even have to donate much, but anything helps.

Thank you in advance,

Oscar the Boston Terrier

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm Obsessed With...

I'm obsessed with.....drumroll please.....Nerf dart guns and the darts that shoot from them! I can hardly contain myself when Mommy brings out the gun. I can't really explain why I love them. It's just a compulsion I have!

First, I study where the dart landed. This time, it stuck to the blinds.

Sometimes I wait to see if it will fall off first, but not this time. I stood on my back legs to see if I could reach it.

When that didn't work, I jumped for it!

Mommy helped me out a little by putting my crate on the floor by the desk. I thought that I might be able to get the dart if I stood on the crate. It didn't work, so I jumped up onto the desk.

I slowly and carefully stood up, leaned forward, and went for it.
